The Agency of Community Redevelopment Explores the Bottom of the Well in search of Something Nutritious, 2011
Paper, sound, plastic coated copper electrical wire, flagcloth, polycarbonate tubing

Nine days after turning forty, I gave birth to my first and only child, my daughter. Mortality now stares back at me daily through her young eyes. I am immersed in cyclical experiences ever since.

As I age it becomes ever clearer that a significant part of life is dedicated to the grieving processes. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' Five Stages of Death and Dying, known as The Five Stages of Grief, also known as the "grief cycle", are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Kubler-Ross did not intend this to be a rigid series of uniformly timed steps; it's more a framework for modeling the significant (and the less significant) experiences that make up a life.

What do we grieve? Before having a child I never feared my own death, but now I am terrified of it. I find grieving to be a new feared experience, but also a cathartic experience allowing for possibility. Interpreting the grief cycle stimulated the new insights that form this installation. In this gallery are five works mirroring the cycle presented within a meandering framework. Denial is a sound piece created in collaboration with composer Rebecca Kneubuhl. Anger, a larger-than-life red paper crumbled ball holds the tension. Bargaining is a massive black and white swirling wire work suspended from above. Depression, a nine foot cut paper work weighs heavy while Acceptance, an ephemeral translucent hanging banner, begs us into the future with promises of growth.
