What Do I Care? Part 2: a collaboration with the schools of Eagle Rock CA, 2015
paper, tape. marker, pushpins, pillows
Installed at Curve Line Space, Los Eagle Rock, CA
What Do I Care?, Part 2 is a public engagement project for the Eagle Rock community as exhibition that centers on a large white field of community-created origami paper boxes which contain and reveal the texts and drawings from visitors about their dreams and visions for Eagle Rock. The project seeks to find out what people wish for when they dream big.
What Do Care?, Part 2 specifically looks to document the ideas of the town's youth population. As non-voters, youth are often overlooked as innovators, but their visions are critical. Children can envision possibilities without the practical concerns of reality. For example, a suggestion a trampoline down the center of the median along Colorado Blvd. can be translated to create a family-friendly walking path used intergenerationally. Eagle Rock's youth is the next generation of community leaders. This project hopes to give them practical skills and experience in envisioning our collective future.
Individuals are welcome to come by as walk-ins and groups are invited to schedule times at the gallery during the project. All ages are welcome. Older youth are trained to act as mentors for younger participants.
At the end of the gallery phase, a group of students from Eagle Rock High School photographed every image. These iamges were given to Occidental College Professor Bevin Ashenmiller's Economics 1 class. The project was used as an indicator of social and economic interest and data visualizations were made for understanding the data.
As of early 2017, the data visualizations are being explored by several civic organizations within the Eagle Rock community for implimentation. | |